Focus and Scope

JABE focuses on research related to accounting, economics, and business that is relevant for the development of theory and practice in these fields, not only in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, but also in a global context. JABE covers various research approaches, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. JABE focuses on various themes, topics, and aspects of accounting, economics, and business, including (but not limited to) the following topics:

1. Financial Accounting
2. Public Sector Accounting
3. Management Accounting
4. slamic Accounting and Financial Management
5. Audit
6. Corporate Governance
7. Behavioral Accounting (Including Ethics and Professionalism)
8. Financial Management
9. Accounting Education (Ethics)
10. Taxation
11. Capital Markets and Investments
12. Accounting for Banking and Insurance
13. Accounting Information Systems
14. Sustainability Reporting
15. Intellectual Capital
In addition, the following topics are included to reflect a broader coverage in the field of economics and business:

1. Macro and Microeconomics
2. Business Development and Entrepreneurship
3. Global Financial Markets
4. Business Strategy and Operations Management
5. Innovation and Technology in Business
6. Marketing and Market Research
7. Consumer Behavior
8. Human Resource Management
9. International Economics and Trade
10. The Influence of Public Policy on Business and Economics

With this expanded scope, JABE strives to be a comprehensive platform for researchers, practitioners, and academics in developing and sharing knowledge in the fields of accounting, economics, and business.