Electronic Journal which is a forum for the publication of scientific articles in Widyatama University. Widyatama University E-Journal is managed by each study program at Widyatama University so that it can make it easier for academics to choose the desired journals in accordance with the field of science studies. Articles that can be published are the results of thoughts both conceptually, critically, empirically, both quantitative and qualitative research so that they can develop research in Indonesia.


  • Jurnal Perdagangan Internasional

    Jurnal Perdagangan Internasional is a peer-reviewed bi-annual academic journal. It is dedicated to facilitating the exchange of ideas and research on themes that focus on various issues within the Interactions between international trade and politics, which includes but is not limited to International politics and trade disputes, Relationships between international trade and development, Economic diplomacy, Export promotion, Diplomacy and international trade, Cross border e-commerce in emerging markets.

    Jurnal Perdagangan Internasional accepts original manuscripts in Bahasa or English with the following types: Scholarly Article, Book Review, and Review Article. The Journal is published twice a year, in April and November, and published by Universitas Widyatama

    Jurnal Perdagangan Internasional is registered with the Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN):

    E-ISSN: 2988-3288

    P-ISSN: 3025-826X

  • Jurnal Bisnis, Ekonomi, dan Sains

    Jurnal Bisnis, Ekonomi, dan Sains (BES) adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Widyatama. Jurnal BES merupakan wadah untuk publikasi artikel yang memuat hasil penelitian, kajian pustaka dan inovasi lainnya yang berkaitan pada bidang ilmu ekonomi, manajemen, akuntansi dan sains yang memiliki relevansi dengan cakupan kajian ilmu ekonomi dan bisnis. Jurnal Bisnis Ekonomi dan Sains tidak hanya untuk para peneliti dosen namun juga merupakan wadah bagi mahasiswa dalam mempublikasikan hasil riset.

    e-ISSN : 2798-8708 dan p-ISSN : 2798-883X

  • Jurnal Logic: Logistics & Supply Chain Center

    Jurnal Logic: Logistics & Supply Chain Center is a journal published by the LOGIC Study Center, Widyatama University, Bandung. First published in 2022, this journal is published twice a year in February and August. Articles published in this journal are the results of research, literature studies, and applications of science in various fields. The LOGIC Journal contains articles covering Logistic & Supply Chain Management (SCM), Operation Research, and Production Systems. This journal is a medium for publication for academics, practitioners and other parties who aim to improve the quality of research, especially in the fields of logistics and SCM. Articles received by the LOGIC journal will be reviewed by a Reviewer to assess their substance and feasibility using the blind review technique. Articles that have passed and been accepted will be published in the nearest published edition.

  • Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan

    Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan (JITTER) adalah jurnal yang diterbikan oleh Fakultas Teknik Universitas Widyatama.

  • WIDAI Japanese Journal

    WIDAI Japanese Journal is peer-reviewed journal published by Japanese Language Study Program of Widyatama University, Bandung. Published twice a year at March and September, the articles published in WIDAI Japanese Journal will mainly cover research and survey results concerning the topics of Japanese Linguistic, Japanese applied Linguistics, Japanese Language Education, and Japanese Culture. The mission and purpose of WIDAI Japanese Journal is to promote and increase the Japanese language research quality in order to achieve answers and solutions to all topics and problem concerning Japanese language linguistics, education and culture.

  • Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis dan Ekonomi

    We encourage researchers to submit their work to the Journal of Information Systems for our upcoming general issue (Volume 10, Issue 2, 2024).

    Submission deadline.          : Agustus 15, 2024 (early submissions are highly encouraged).
    Scheduled publication date: September 31, 2024.

    The Business and Economic Accounting Journal (JABE), is a peer-reviewed journal by Departemen of Accounting,  Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Widyatama and in collaboration with the Indonesian Institute of Accountants Tingkat Pusat.  This journal contains empirical studies regarding the Financial and Capital Market Accounting, Auditing, Accounting Information Systems, Management Accounting, Taxation, Public Sector Accounting, and Islamic Accounting.


    The journal also serves as a platform for lecturers and students to share and communicate their research findings, fulfilling the scientific publication requirements of higher education. JABE invites academics and practitioners to join as readers, contributors, and peer reviewers. Since 2021, JABE has been accredited as National SINTA 5 by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, making it one of the accredited journals recognized by the Indonesian government. JABE is published twice a year, in March and September.

    Journal Publication Procedure

    Stage 1: Initial Article Receipt and Review
    1. JABE receives an article from the Author.
    2. The Editor in Chief (EIC) reviews the article to ensure the topic aligns with the fields of Accounting, Business, and Economics.
    3. If the article does not meet the criteria, it is returned to the Author with a decision of rejection.
    4. Articles that meet the criteria proceed to Stage 2.
    5. The time required for this stage is 2 weeks.

    Stage 2: In-depth Review by Reviewer
    1. The EIC assigns a Reviewer to assess the article based on JABE’s Writing Rules.
    2. The Reviewer evaluates the article and sends the assessment back to the EIC.
    3. If the evaluation results in a rejection, the article is returned to the Author with a decision of rejection.
    4. If the article is accepted with notes for revision (minor or major), it is returned to the Author, who is given 2 weeks to make the revisions.
    5. Articles accepted without revisions move on to Stage 3.
    6. The time required for this stage is 2 weeks.

    Stage 3: Editorial Team Review
    1. The EIC receives the revised article from the Author.
    2. The EIC hands over the article to the Editorial Team to check the structure of the writing and the adherence to the JABE template.
    3. The time required for this stage is 2 weeks.

    Stage 4: Publication
    1. Once all requirements are met, the article is assigned a DOI number and included in the upcoming edition.
    2. The EIC is responsible for assigning the DOI number and determining the edition.
    3. The time required for this process is 4 weeks.


  • Jurnal Inovasi Masyarakat

    Jurnal Inovasi Masyarakat adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh LP2M Universitas Widyatama. Jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menyediakan forum bagi akademisi, praktisi dan perwakilan komunitas untuk memajukan teori dan praktik yang terkait upaya inovatif; masalah kritis di Masyarakat; tren wilayah; peluang yang muncul di masyarakat; dampak studi di bidang pelayanan publik; penelitian partisipatif berbasis komunitas; penelitian tindakan dan pembelajaran layanan masyarakat. Jurnal Inovasi diterbitkan tiga kali dalam setahun pada bulan Mei, September dan Desember

  • English Journal Literacy Utama

    The scope of this journal includes topics such as classroom action research, applied linguistics, linguistics, pragmatics, critical discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, English culture, and literature. English Journal Literacy UTAMA (EJL-UTama) also uses the LOCKSS system to ensure journal records are stored safely. At this time, the English Journal Literacy UTama has been indexed on Google Scholar.

  • JUSTINFO | Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi

    JUSTINFO (Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi) aims to provide and accommodate research results, specialized scientific literature on applied studies, studies in information systems (IS) / information technology (IT) environments and public reviews of theoretical developments, methods and applied science related to subjects and industry. This journal is not only to facilitate local, national but also international researchers to publish their work exclusively in English.

  • Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen & Ekonomi

    Journal of Business, Management & Economics (JBME) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Widyatama University, Indonesia. The journal publishes two volumes a year in July and December. The focus areas of this journal are current economics, business and management. Submitted articles will be reviewed by the Journal committee and reviewers. Contributors and readers of this journal include researchers, managers, practitioners and actors in the fields of economics, business and management

  • Jurnal Visual Ideas

    Jurnal Visual Ideas adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Widyatama. Fokus utama jurnal ini adalah pada bidang desain komunikasi visual, termasuk desain periklanan, desain multimedia, desain grafis industri, desain grafis media, cerita bergambar, animasi, ilustrasi, serta fotografi dan videografi. Jurnal ini juga menerima dan memuat tulisan yang berkaitan dengan seni rupa, desain, dan kriya.

    Artikel-artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal ini telah melalui proses review oleh para reviewer dan Dewan Redaksi. Setiap edisi jurnal menampilkan visualisasi sampul yang tematis berdasarkan konsep pixel, sesuai dengan karakteristik jurnal. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Februari dan Agustus.

    Semoga artikel-artikel dalam jurnal ini bermanfaat bagi kemajuan desain komunikasi visual.