Guidelines for Author

General Submission Guidelines

  1. Language: Articles must be written in Indonesian or English.
  2. Originality: Submissions must be original works and not previously published or under consideration elsewhere.
  3. Manuscript Format: Manuscripts should be prepared using Microsoft Word and follow the provided template.
  4. Length: Articles should not exceed 7,000 words, including references, tables, and figures.

Manuscript Structure

  1. Title Page:

    • Title: Concise and informative. No more than 20 word
    • Authors: Full names of authors, their affiliations, and email addresses.
    • Abstract: 200-250 words summarizing the research aim, methods, and results. Must be in one paragraph.
    • Keywords: Up to five keywords.
  2. Main Text:

    • Introduction: Background, research significance, literature review, theoretical framework, and hypothesis.
    • Methodology: Detailed description of the research design, sampling, data collection, and analysis methods. May include sub-sections.
    • Results and Discussion: Presentation of findings with tables and figures as necessary. Interpretation and discussion of results in the context of existing literature and research questions.
    • Conclusion: Summarizes the main findings, their implications, and recommendations for future research.
  3. Tables and Figures:

    • Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively.
    • Include a descriptive title for each table and figure.
    • Place tables and figures close to where they are mentioned in the text.
    • Ensure high-quality images, preferably in PNG format with a resolution of 96 DPI.
  4. References:

    • Follow the APA (American Psychological Association) style for references.
    • Use a reference manager like Zotero or Mendeley for consistency.
    • Examples:
      • Hwang, M., & Cheng, J. F. L. (2011). Definition of “Investment”—A voice from the eye of the storm. Asian Journal of International Law, 1(1), 99-129.
      • Reurink, A. (2016). From elite lawbreaking to financial crime: The evolution of the concept of white-collar crime (No. 16/10). MPIfG Discussion Paper.

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