Private Practice, Midwife, Information Systems, UML, Object Oriented ProgrammingAbstract
Bidan Praktek Swasta (BPS) merupakan bentuk pelayanan di bidang kesehatan, Praktek bidan adalah serangkaian kegiatan pelayanan oleh bidan yang diberikan kepada pasien sesuai dengan kewenangan dan kemampuannya. praktek bidan melayani penyakit-penyakit umum, proses persalinan, konsultasi kehamilan, imunisasi serta keluarga berencana. BPS Bidan Silviana dalam pengolahan data pelayanan sering mendapatkan hambatan diantaranya dalam proses pencarian data pasien, penyimpanan dokumen yang terbatas, pendapatan yang dapat dimanipulasi oleh bidan lain yang bekerja di BPS tersebut. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini akan menganalisa dan membangun sistem informasi BPS Bidan Silviana secara terkomputerisasi menggunakan aplikasi VB.NET 2008 dengan metode Object Oriented Programming dan database MySQL selanjunya sistem tersebut akan diuji kelayakanya menggunakan ISO 9126. Metode penelitian adalah mengumpulkan data melalui observasi di lapangan, wawancara terhadap pihak terkait dan analisa dokumen. Metode analisis dibuat dalam bentuk activity diagram, dan use case diagram dan metode perancangan dibuat dalam bentuk ERD, LRS, dan sequence diagram. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Bidan Praktek Swasta yang dapat membantu bidan praktek dalam pengolaaan data pelayanan.
Kata Kunci : BPS, Bidan, Sistem Informasi, UML, Object Oriented Programming
Midwife in Private Practice (BPS) is such form of health service. Midwife Practice refers to set of health service activities performed by midwife to the patient in accordance with their authority and ability. Midwife practice serves common diseases, birth process, maternity consultation, immunisation and family planning. BPS Midwife Silviana during service data management, she frequently faced some challenges, such as data collection process of patient, limited document storage, revenue which may be manipulated by the other midwifes working on the BPS. According to those issues, thus this research was intended to analyze and develop computer based- BPS information System of Midwife Silviana by using VB. NET 2008 application with Object Oriented Programming method and MySQL database which later, the system will be examined for its feasibility by using ISO 9126. Research Method used in this research was data collection through field observation, interview to the respective party and document analysis. Analysis method was made in form of activity diagram and use case diagram and design method was made in form of ERD, LRS, and sequence diagram forms. This research will result in Service Information System of Midwife in Private Practice which will be able to assist midwife practice in service data management.
Keywords : Private Practice, Midwife, Information Systems, UML, Object Oriented Programming
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