
  • Enike Tje Yustin Dima Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang
  • Maria Imakulata Pongge Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang
  • Antonius Yohanes William Timuneno Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang



Potential, Problem, PKH, Retrospective Approach


The government in efforts to eradicate poverty, always seek concrete step’s to maximize welfare especially for poor household communities (RTM). One of the efforts being implemented is The Family Hope Program (PKH). However in implementation of this program, it often face substansial problem in implementing activities like in implementation of PKH program in Humusu Village, Insana District, North Central Timor regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. This research trying to restructure the PKH work program by tracing the composition of the problem using problem tree analysis and then finding out the potential that can be use as a renewal step in implementation the PKH program with using a potential analysis with problem that have been previously justified using a retrospective approach and problem tree analysis. Total respondent in this research is 355 which consisted the RTM community including non-RTM community group who had information about implementation the PKH program in Humusu village. The result show that the concrete problem in implementating the PKH program in Humusu Village is lies in the less of distribution information via online media such a social media or similiar devices the PKH program. It’s have the implications for RTM community’s to ignorance the procedures to participate in this program and this is a concrete factor in the lack of interest to participating in this program. The result also show that there is an oportunity for the government to intensifying use the social media to massively distribute information about the realization of the PKH program in Humusu Village so that increase the significant level of effectiveness of work program and the effectiveness of objectives can be well realized in this village.


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Author Biographies

Enike Tje Yustin Dima, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang

Author's name : Enike Tje Yustin Dima1, Maria Imakulata Pongge2, Antonius Yohanes William Timuneno3

Affiliation : 123Chatolic University Of Widya Mandira, Kupang City, Indonesia    

Correspondency :

Maria Imakulata Pongge, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang

Author's name : Enike Tje Yustin Dima1, Maria Imakulata Pongge2, Antonius Yohanes William Timuneno3

Affiliation : 123Chatolic University Of Widya Mandira, Kupang City, Indonesia    

Correspondency :

Antonius Yohanes William Timuneno, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang

Author's name : Enike Tje Yustin Dima1, Maria Imakulata Pongge2, Antonius Yohanes William Timuneno3

Affiliation : 123Chatolic University Of Widya Mandira, Kupang City, Indonesia    

Correspondency :


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How to Cite

Dima, E. T. Y., Pongge, M. I., & Timuneno, A. Y. W. (2024). ANALYSIS POTENTIAL PROBLEM IN PKH PROGRAM AT NTT PROVINCE USING RETROSPECTIVE APPROACH. Jurnal Bisnis, Ekonomi, Dan Sains, 3(02), 528–542.